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The sCOOL2Walk app

The sCOOL2walk app is an easy to use web-based application that facilitates all the needs for the Caregivers, Walk Buddies and the Teenagers.

Explore the steps below!

Different profiles for different needs

Further down on this web page, you will find detailed descriptions of the different profiles available within the sCOOL2walk app. Being the Caregiver profile and the Walking Buddy profile.

The Caregiver profile is designed for those who oversee the well-being and safety of the app users, often parents or guardians. This profile provides tools for monitoring walks, setting up safety parameters, and receiving notifications to ensure the walker’s journey is secure.

The Walking Buddy profile caters to individuals who join or accompany users on their walks. This profile focuses on social interaction, motivation, and shared walking experiences, promoting companionship and engagement during walks.

For the caregivers

Check the walk routes

As the caregiver of a child you can check the available walk routes, and select the one that crosses you home adres.

Assign the needed dates

Once the correct route is selected the desired dates can be selected for you child to join the walk trips.

Add you child to the trip

With the correct dates selected to the trip, you can add your child to the schedule and select the meeting point.

For the walking buddies

Join the walk as Walk Buddy

In the app the walk buddy can see the available trips and assign him or herself to a walk to facilitate the walk for the children.

Select the dates for the walk

Once the walk buddy has selected the route to facilitate, the dates on which you are able to facilitate these trips can be added.

See who is joining the walk

Once you are the responsible walk buddy for that trip you can check what children are joining the walk and what their pickup location is.

Interested to implement this?

Are you interested to implement sCOOL2walk in your surroundings? Let's get in contact and explore the possibilities for the most optimal implementation of sCOOL2walk!

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Implemented cities


Connected schools


Trips facillitated


Kids enroled