Team & Ambitions of sCOOL2walk

Why is sCOOL2walk so important?

Children's physical activity decreases significantly, with a loss of motor skills as a result. This poses a threat to their overall health and long-term well-being. A child must first possess broad motor foundation in order to be able to turn to a sport; consisting of adequately developed movement skills (such as walking, running and jumping), object skills (such as throwing, catching, hitting and kicking a ball) and balance skills. For the later development of more sport-specific skills is this foundation is thus of great importance. In addition, the development of the adaptive ability is of great important; in order to develop full motor control must children learn to anticipate and react flexibly, something that is, among other things necessary in the unpredictable environment of sports.

Learn about us

Our team

Ilse van Zeumeren


Iris Ruysch


Darianne de Freitas


Emma Brussen

Business Developer

Our roadmap

The sCOOL2Walk Roadmap

sCOOL2 walk is a digital web application that allows a parent or guardian to announce the route the child will take and discover others in the community who are planning a similar journey.
Students will connect with each other and make the trip together.